So you’re thinking about saying bye-bye to shaving, tweezing, plucking, and waxing (see top 8 wild waxings) for good. Laser hair removal is a great option to save time shaving, save money on razors, make the skin feel smoother-with no stubble ever! Before you pay for laser hair removal, check out these tips to avoid making a rookie mistake.
Mistake #1: Laser Clinics With Cheap Laser Equipment
Know what brand of laser the clinic uses. There are perhaps 2 dozen different laser “platforms” (brands of equipment with different mechanisms to lase the hair follicles). Many clinics have purchased the cheapest / cheaper ones, that also happen to be popular brands, that hurt when used for laser hair removal. In addition to the skill of the operator, the specific mechanism of the laser tip can influence the level of discomfort you feel and most certainly the quality of the results.
In a word: Laser hair removal should not hurt. The best lasers use liquid chilled crystal tip.
Mistake #2: Paying For A Laser Package Upfront
Point 2: Do not fall victim to high pressure sales techniques. Several clinics in the Asheville area apply high pressure techniques to get you to pay for a package of treatments up front before you’ve had a chance to try their laser service. There are stories of people spending thousands of dollars for a package before you have even tried the service. Do not fall for this high pressure technique! Sometimes these clinics have a laser system that causes undue discomfort resulting in the client not completing the series or package. Obviously the clinic makes out well if the client does not complete the treatment.
Just remember: Ideally you should be able to purchase a single treatment to see how it goes for you! You should not be forced to spend thousands before you know if it is the right system for you, your individual sensitivities and skin type.
Mistake #3: Thinking Laser Hair Removal Must Be Painful To Be Effective
Pain with laser hair removal – and ABSENCE OF PAIN – is something that can be actively managed by a great laser clinic! Some clinics do not have, or do not want to take the time to use numbing cream on sensitive areas. When using a laser with a liquid chilled crystal tip, many areas of the body do not need numbing cream. Typically underarms, arms, sideburns, and chin are not highly sensitive, but upper lip, bikini area, and parts of the leg (over the shin) can be and will have little or no discomfort at all with numbing cream and time to let it work.
Mistake #4: Inconsistent Treatments
Be consistent with your treatments and return every 4 – 6 weeks as scheduled for 5 – 6 treatments total. The mistake people can make is to stop for several months and then return some of the hair follicles will have regenerated. The best solution is to make appointments 4 weeks apart and stick to the schedule until the treated area is adequately hairless.
Mistake #5: Not Setting Realistic Expectations
Have realistic expectations. It takes at least 2 treatments to start noticing results. Most areas will have 85 – 90% reduction in the hair follicles with full treatments which can take 4 – 6 treatments or rarely more. Laser hair removal is something you should undertake in an area if you really want no hair to grow in the area treated. Having said that it is not uncommon for a treated area to need a touchup about once a year, but it would be unrealistic to expect hair to regrow fully if you change your mind.
Choose a Laser Clinic That Delivers Quality Over Quantity

The Laser Clinic @ Mountain Radiance has the BEST hair removal laser platform! We exclusively use the Lumenis LightSheer laser with numbing cream in sensitive areas. We routinely provide truly painless laser hair removal! Unlike the big corporate laser hair removal chains, you can relax knowing that you won’t be pressured into buying an expensive laser package. You can experience it for yourself and book more appointments if it works for you!
We have hundreds of great reviews from amazing clients.