What is a Nefertiti Lift? Everything You Need to Know About This Trending Treatment.

Woman with neck lift after BOTOX and injectables

Looking for a way to rejuvenate your neck and sculpt your jawline without surgery? A Nefertiti Lift may be just what you need. Our Asheville patients love this treatment because there are no incisions or downtime required, its results are subtle (your friends are likely to notice that you look more rejuvenated, they just may not know why), and it can be further enhanced using other cosmetic injections. Learn all about the Nefertiti Lift in today’s blog.

What is a Nefertiti Lift?

A Nefertiti Lift is a non-surgical neck lift that uses Botox to relax the neck muscles, creating a longer, thinner-looking neck. The treatment is named after the ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, who was renowned worldwide for her beautiful, elongated neckline and accentuated chin. 

The Nefertiti Lift is named after ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti for her beautiful neckline.

How does a Nefertiti Lift work?

A Nefertiti Lift relaxes the platysma (the muscle that sticks out when you flex your neck), allowing the upper facial muscles to pull upwards without resistance. This makes the jawline appear tighter and more defined, like the famous queen. We have also noticed that the Nefertiti Lift can provide a slight lift to the corners of the mouth, softening the appearance of frown lines. 

Why are my neck muscles so visible? 

Throughout the day we inadvertently clench our jaw and strain our neck, making our platysma grow stronger. Over time, our body’s natural aging process (read: thinning skin and sagging tissues) compounds this muscle-tightening effect, pulling down the lower face and obscuring the jaw line. The sheet-like platysma muscle can also bunch into ridges and cause our neck muscles to protrude from our skin. These “bands” of platysma muscle can also be treated with Botox in a related procedure.

How is a Nefertiti neck lift performed?

During a Nefertiti neck lift, your provider will inject Botox into the platysma muscle along your jawline and upper neck. It may take between 4-7 injections on each side of your neck to achieve your desired result.

How long does a Nefertiti Lift last? 

Nefertiti neck lift results typically last between 3-4 months—the typical duration of Botox injections.

Can a Nefertiti Lift be combined with Kybella?

Yes! Our licensed physicians can combine Kybella with a Nefertiti Lift by injecting Kybella into the area below the chin (referred to as your submental area). This can help reduce the appearance of a double chin and further help to sculpt the jawline. 

Note that while Kybella is very effective at reducing localized fat deposits below the chin and in the lower face, it is not meant to address significant amounts of submental fullness.

A Nefertiti Lift can be enhanced using Kybella injections.

Are you a good candidate?

We have found that the Nefertiti Lift tends to be the most effective among patients who lack significant neck fullness (double chin) and who have minimal skin laxity in their neck and jawline; excess fat deposits and droopy skin along the neck and jaw will likely obscure your results.

It’s also important to have reasonable expectations if you are considering a Nefertiti Lift, as results are intended to be subtle. If you have advanced skin laxity or submental fullness, liposuction and/or a neck lift may be needed to provide a more dramatic result.

How long will it take to see my Botox neck lift results?

While the effects of Botox should begin to take effect within a few days after your treatment, it takes most of our patients about 2 weeks to see their full Nefertiti Lift results.

How often should I get Botox injections for a non-surgical neck lift?

While every patient’s anatomy and aesthetic goals are different, we typically recommend patients visit us for follow-up Botox injections every 3-4 months to maintain their Nefertiti neck lift results.

Is there any downtime?

One of the major benefits of the Nefertiti Lift is that it has very minimal downtime, meaning it can be performed during your lunch break or in between meetings. Just be sure to avoid exercise for 24 hours after your treatment, and avoid massaging your treatment area unless instructed otherwise by your provider.

Who can perform a Nefertiti Lift?

Although a Nefertiti Lift is a non-invasive procedure, it is exceptionally nuanced, and therefore is highly dependent on choosing a qualified provider to achieve beyond-satisfying results. At our Asheville medical spa, Dr. Mark Chandler and our highly skilled, licensed nurse injectors perform all of our cosmetic injections. Schedule your Nefertiti Lift consultation in Asheville todaycontact us online, or call our customer care team at (828) 627-2711 to learn more.

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