So you’ve decided to start bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT. We’re excited to help you on your journey to better energy, more restful sleep, healthier libido, regulated body temperature, and clarity of mind! After you’ve read through our overview of hormone replacement therapy, which includes all of the essentials, you may wonder what it is actually like to start the treatment process. Below, we outline what you can expect during the first few months under our care.
Step 1: Consultation and lab work
Our hormone therapy experts, Dr. Mark Chandler and Physician Assistant Christina, will personalize your journey from start to finish. This means that hormone therapy begins with an in-depth consultation about your symptoms and concerns. How long do you sleep? What are your energy levels? Are you plagued by other symptoms, such as libido issues or hot flashes? Discussing how you feel, along with reviewing your medical history, will help us determine if hormone replacement therapy could be right for you.
Next, we will order lab work to establish baseline levels of hormones testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Even if your hormones are somewhere within a “normal” range, low levels of certain hormones can affect how you feel, and seeking treatment may improve your quality of life.
Step 2: Your first appointment
Once we have your lab results back, we’ll arrange your first appointment to go over results and decide how to proceed. At Mountain Radiance, most patients choose to have their hormone therapy administered in a rice-sized pellet placed under the skin. Pellet therapy only requires you to return for follow-up appointments in 3-4 months (for women) or 5-7 months (for men), making it more convenient than twice-daily pills or creams.
The pellet insertion process
Pellets are inserted under the skin, usually on the buttocks or hips, by Dr. Chandler or Christina. The entire process usually takes less than 15 minutes!
Your pellet insertion begins with a numbing injection, during which you may feel a pinch. However, you shouldn’t feel pain (just some mild pressure) while the pellet itself is being inserted under the skin. After pellet placement, the immediate area around the pellet will likely be tender, so we recommend having an ice pack ready. Avoid submerging the area in water for a few days, and limit vigorous exercise—particularly any that uses the gluteal muscles—for 72 hours.
Step 3: Follow-up appointments and dosage adjustments, as needed
Your hormones will begin to take effect in the weeks and months following your pellet placement. While some symptoms may begin to subside in just a few weeks, it is normal for it to take months to experience full effects. We will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, address any side effects, and adjust your treatment plan as needed. At this time, we can add other supplements or treatments or adjust your pellet’s dosages to optimally address your symptoms.
Contact us to get started!
If you are in the Asheville area and considering hormone replacement therapy, we are happy to meet with you! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Mark Chandler or Physician Assistant Christina by calling (828) 627-2711 or filling out the form below.