Why Aren’t My Skincare Products Working?

Asian woman holding a skincare product and touching her face

Struggling with skincare products that don’t seem to make a difference? There are many factors that could be crushing your skincare dreams. Here, the licensed estheticians at our Asheville medical spa explore the most common reasons why your skincare might not be delivering the results you hope for and how to adjust your approach to help them be more effective. 

Reasons why your skincare products might not work

There could be several reasons you feel like your skincare products leave much to be desired: 

The products are mismatched with your skin type or needs

One of the most common reasons skincare products fail is that they’re not suited to your skin type or current skin concerns. For example, using heavy creams on oily skin can exacerbate a greasy look and feel, while light gels won’t typically contain enough nourishing ingredients to sufficiently hydrate dry skin. Understanding your skin type—oily, dry, combination, sensitive—and tailoring your product choices accordingly will increase their effectiveness.

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You haven’t been consistent, or you aren’t giving the products enough time to work

Skincare is a commitment. If your skincare routine is inconsistent, or you reach for different products every day, or aren’t following a daily regimen, it will be difficult to see improvement in your skin. Most skincare products are formulated to be gentle enough to use regularly, yet effective enough to improve the health and appearance of your skin over time. Expecting overnight success from products that typically take several months to deliver results can lead to frustration and the misconception that a product isn’t working. 

For most products, you may see some improvement within 6-8 weeks of consistent use, although more visible results typically start to emerge after about 3 months and continue to strengthen with use.  

You have a compromised skin barrier

The skin barrier, or the stratum corneum, is the outermost layer of the skin and your primary line of defense against environmental threats like pollutants and pathogens. This barrier also prevents excessive water loss from the deeper layers of the skin. 

Over-exfoliating, harsh cleansers, and environmental stressors can damage the skin barrier, undoing any good deeds from even the most religious skincare routines. If you have a damaged skin barrier, you may also experience skin issues such as chronic dryness and sensitivity, or inflammatory skin conditions like atopic dermatitis and rosacea. 

If your skin is unusually dry, irritated, or reactive, your skin barrier needs a little TLC before your products can work their magic.

Young woman looking up close at skin in the bathroom mirror

What should you do if your skincare isn’t working?

If you’ve given a product enough time to manifest results but aren’t seeing the benefits in your skin, here’s what you can do to turn things around:

  • Consult with professionals: Our experienced estheticians can assess your skin’s health, help you understand the root causes of your skincare concerns, and adjust your products accordingly. This is especially important if you suspect your skin barrier is compromised! 
  • Add professional treatments to your regimen: If your pores are clogged or if your skin is dry, treatments like Hydrafacial and chemical peels can decongest your skin and encourage better product absorption. Seeing your esthetician regularly also helps them tailor your products and treatments based on how your skin behaves with your current protocols. 
  • Switch to physician-only products: Medical-grade skincare products, available at our Asheville medspa, contain higher concentrations of active ingredients than drugstore options and will achieve stronger improvements in a shorter time frame.
Ready to revamp your skincare routine?

Don’t let frustration hold you back from achieving your dream skin. At our physician-led medical spa, we specialize in restoring and maintaining healthy skin and have the product and treatment knowledge to curate a safe and effective skincare routine just for you! Schedule your consultation today to learn how we can help revitalize your skin and boost the effectiveness of your skincare products. Please call (828) 627-2711 or book your appointment online using the button at the top of this page! 

References »

Rosso JD, Zeichner J, Alexis A, Cohen D, Berson D. Understanding the Epidermal Barrier in Healthy and Compromised Skin: Clinically Relevant Information for the Dermatology Practitioner: Proceedings of an Expert Panel Roundtable Meeting. Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 2016 Apr;9(4 Suppl 1):S2-S8. 

Rajkumar J, Chandan N, Lio P, Shi V. The Skin Barrier and Moisturization: Function, Disruption, and Mechanisms of Repair. Skin Pharmacology and Physiology. 2023;36(4):174-185. doi: 10.1159/000534136. 

Addor FA. Skin barrier in rosacea. Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia. 2016 Jan-Feb;91(1):59-63. doi: 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20163541. 

Kim BE, Leung DYM. Significance of Skin Barrier Dysfunction in Atopic Dermatitis. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research. 2018 May;10(3):207-215. doi: 10.4168/aair.2018.10.3.207.

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