
Laser Hair Removal

Your Laser Hair Removal Questions ANSWERED!

The following questions are from that potential customers have written about laser hair removal. These are indeed pretty good questions! When I wax my arms I develop a reaction/acne on only my upper arms that lasts at least a month or two. Should I…

Age spots Prevention and Treatment

Age Spots ~ Prevention and treatment!

Age spots, as Lady Macbeth said in Shakespeare’s famous play – “Out, Damn Spot!” So frustrating, what causes age spots? When we are young our melanocytes are distributed evenly throughout the skin which explains why children get that nice even tan. However, the more we…

5 Mistakes People Make When Getting Laser Hair Removal

Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Getting Laser Hair Removal

So you’re thinking about saying bye-bye to shaving, tweezing, plucking, and waxing (see top 8 wild waxings) for good. Laser hair removal is a great option to save time shaving, save money on razors, make the skin feel smoother-with no stubble ever! Before you pay for laser hair…

Woman Looks in Mirror Happy with her Skin

Sophie Magazine – Age Reversal

AGE REVERSAL April 28, 2016 Posted by Sophie Magazine Yes! It is possible to turn back the clock on the appearance of aging. While it is not (yet) possible, of course, to truly reverse aging, it is possible to reverse the damaging effects on appearance,…

Can you reverse skin damage?

Is there hope for reversing skin damage?

Just yesterday, an 80-year-old client came in for her second facial in her life. “Is it too late for me?’ While it is better to prevent than to repair, reversing decades sun damage and natural aging is possible. One of the main causes of aging…

Laser Hair Removal in the Summer

Get Ready for Summer with Laser Hair Removal

Permanently remove unwanted hair – full legs, bikini line, full back (usually men), and underarms new pricing on packages for a limited time: save $125, $200 or more on permanent laser hair removal Permanent laser hair removal requires multiple treatments. This is because the treatment…

Is laser hair removal painful

Laser Hair Removal, Is it Painful?

At Mountain Radiance we are greatly amused by the claims of “painless” laser hair removal by some of our competitors – even some of the national chains. As the Medical Director of Mountain Radiance, I reviewed equipment for over a year before deciding which was…

Young Tan Couple in the Summer

The Dangers of Tanning Beds

Dermatologists have warned for years that indoor tanning can cause skin cancer and should be avoided. The doctors’ latest broadside comes in a selective review of scientific evidence on the risks and benefits of indoor tanning. Researcher Jody A. Levine, MD, is a pediatrician and…

Skincare for Mature Skin

Is Skin Care Different for Mature Skin?

You may have been noticing the signs for a while: increased roughness, wrinkling, irregular pigmentation (coloration) or inelasticity. These are all normal changes in our skin as we age. You may have …

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Glowing Beautiful Skin Mountain Radiance Asheville Med Spa

Top 5 Habits for Healthy Skin

Proactive skin care, from skin protection to proper shaving technique, will help you keep your skin youthful and healthy. Your busy lifestyle leaves little time for pampering skin care. The result: Your skin isn’t the baby-soft body glove you were born with. As you age,…

Mountain Radiance Medical Spa
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